Saturday, November 10, 2012


This year for Halloween the Erickson family did a theme:  Scary Clowns
This is the youngest Scary Clown Kallynn at 21months.  She went to what we call her "school" the daycare at the gym and they had a Halloween parade.  She was not sure about trick or treating at first and just stayed in the stroller.  But at the end she decided she wanted to give it a try.  She would not take her trick or treating bucket up to the door because she wanted to get the candy herself first and put it in her bucket by herself, she is almost two.
Here is Scary Clown number two Dennison Taft at 3.  He had a party at his preschool and they had a program and he did great.  You could not tell that he was the youngest one there.
Scary Court jester number one is Gracelyn at 8.  This year they got to wear their costumes at their Halloween party at school.  We fought for two years to get them to be able to wear them at school.  She had to look through her candy and check it right when she got home.  To make sure it was not opened, so it was safe to eat.  Thats Gracelyn!
The other Court Jester is Corwynn at 7.  He had a lot of fun acting like a scary Court Jester and liked his custom a lot.
Wynn's work sent him out of town for Halloween this year so he only got to wear he's costume at trunk or treat.  Wynn's parents Jan and Judy and Debbie, Andy meet us at La Choi's for dinner and then we went trick or treating with Debbie and Andy.  Jan and Judy gave out candy for me.  They were a lot of help and we had fun.


  1. Dennisons video does not work. Chad said I can't see it on the Xbox soi have to check it out later! Your blog is looking great. Costume was the only word misspelled. Love mom

  2. Oh my gosh they are all getting so big. Mel! I am so glad you have a blog. I am going to add it to mine so I can keep track of you finally :-)
